An easy woodland stroll immersing you in nature and views of Lake Whakatipu
Difficulty: EASY
Time: 40mins return
A gorgeous walk through the woods along the shore of Lake Whakatipu, leading to stunning views of the head of the lake. Choose from walking along the beach/rocks, following a trail through the woods, or walking along the road with a short path in the woods to get to Todd’s cottage. Stop a while by the cottage to enjoy the scenery, play with the mountains of driftwood, skim some rocks, or keep going through the woods; you can walk about 2.5km up the road before you reach the 2nd ford which will result in wet feet if you try to cross it.
Piwakawakas (fantails) and bellbirds will greet you as you walk, with maybe a tui or kereru making an appearance. Great for dogs to explore – there are occasionally vehicles on the road, it leads to the Greenstone station and tracks. A booklet can be borrowed from Kinloch Wilderness Retreat to help you better understand your surroundings as you walk.